Derivación rápida de la AD
Para aquellos que viven y cuidan a personas con la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA), comprender qué es la enfermedad de Alzheimer, cómo puede afectar su vida y qué recursos están disponibles para ellos puede ofrecer un apoyo esencial para vivir bien con la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
Beneficios de la referencia rápida
Improves | Connects | Enhances |
understanding about AD diagnosis and treatment, which can empower as well as help prepare for the future, especially in early AD | patients and caregivers to local resources, social-engagement programs, support groups, safety services, tools and more for better planning, coping with, and management of AD | coordination of care, access to various programs and services, and ability to participate in clinical trials |
understanding about AD diagnosis and treatment, which can empower as well as help prepare for the future, especially in early AD
patients and caregivers to local resources, social-engagement programs, support groups, safety services, tools and more for better planning, coping with, and management of AD
coordination of care, access to various programs and services, and ability to participate in clinical trials
Maneras de iniciar una referencia rápida:
- Find your local chapter on the Alzheimer’s Association® site:
- Reach out to the Alzheimer’s Association® 24/7 helpline: 1-800-272-2900
- Alzheimer’s Los Angeles:
- CaringKind New York:
Alzheimer’s Association®. Programs and Support.
Alzheimer’s Association®. Treatments and Research.
Alzheimer’s Association®. Safety.
Alzheimer’s Association®. Get Involved with Your Local Chapter.
All URLs accessed November 1, 2022.